Krebs Family Scrapbook

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Busy Saturday

Donna loves to make Karson laugh. Kaci has to be right there, in on the action!!
Peek-a-boo! I think Kaci was laughing just as hard as Karson!
Kirk came over to look at our computer but he ended up doing diaper duty!! Thanks Kirk!!
Beautiful Ashton and Kacilyn!! We took these pictures just before we left to get pictures taken at Sears!
This is the dog from next door. He like to watch the kids play.

Grandma Ellis pushing the kids on the swing! They love it when she plays outside with them!!


We took the kids to a little petting zoo over the weekend and this camels trainer wanted to show us how the camel drank a Pepsi. He had it drank in a couple of seconds and spit the can out afterwards. Pretty cool!!


I was downloading pictures from our camera to our computer. Kacilyn was being soooo quiet and I was getting so much done...................
She was sitting right at my feet. I looked down and this is what I saw!!! I just had to LAUGH!!! What a little Goober!!

Krebs Kids Summer 2006

Karson is 4 1/2 months here. He is such a doll! I love this picture of him. He smiled for all the pictures. He was soooo good!

We had pictures taken on June 25th. This is the first family picture of the three kids. This picture is my favorite of the three of them. Ashton is 7yrs old, Kacilyn 2 yrs old (26 months) and Karson 4 1/2 months. We will probably get pix of the whole family around Christmas time.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Playing in the Backyard!

Saturday, June 03, 2006


I think this is a beautiful picture of Kacilyn and Ashton. They had a lot of fun climbing this tree!

This is Kacilyn's first time climbing a tree.

Ashton wanted to go all the way to the top but mean old mom said, "NO!"

This is also Karson's first time climbing a tree! (Okay,,,so he didn't climb it but someday he will!) hahaha

Ashton helping sissy climb the tree! They play pretty well together!

"I really am a MONKEY!!"

Grandpa Krebs making sure Kaci doesn't fall!